CSV-Export / Import
CSV files are text files with a special structure, which are often used to exchange data between different programs.
You have a header line containing the names of the columns, separated by a separator.
In principle, this is followed by any number of lines, each representing one data record, with the individual elements of the data separated by the same character as the names in the header line.
The Inventory Manager can automatically create the following CSV files :
- Lists of stocks : Whenever you have a list of stocks (all, or all of a certain category or otherwise selected) you can make a CSV-file out of it with a menu selection point and send it by email or save it on the Google - Drive or use it in any other way. Especially you can edit them in 'Microsoft-Excel ' or in 'Google Tables'.
- Shopping lists : Each shopping list can be exported as a CSV-file.
The CSV files created by the Inventory Manager always have the universal separator 'Tab'. They have an internally predefined sequence of columns with the corresponding names. If a column contains no values at all, the entire column is not created. The character set used by the Supply Manager for the export is either the Unicode character set UTF-8, which is normal under Android, or optionally the Windows character set (more precisely: ISO-8859-1).
Some columns are dependent on whether they are activated in the 'Settings' by 'show with'.
Reversibly, Android 'Google Tables' on its part expects the Windows character set during import, Microsoft Excel can do both, but only by the import function with 'Data' - 'Text' and not by simply calling the file.
The Inventory Manager itself understands several CSV file formats during import. The character set can be specified during import, the separator can be recognized by the header line itself - either a comma, a semicolon or a tab.
The order of the columns does not matter to the Inventory Manager during import. It identifies the columns by the names in the header (these must always be correct - it is best to verify this by exporting).
Normally, the Inventory Manager always adds lines from the CSV file to the dataset. If updates are to be carried out, the column 'ID' must be available and must have been filled in accordingly by the Stock Manager during export. The ID is an internal administration number, with which the rows can be uniquely identified.