Stock manager large product images
Normally, product images added to products/stocks via the phone's camera app or gallery app are saved at a greatly reduced size and compressed.
This reduction in size is not only to save space on the phone, but also to reduce transfers during synchronization.
Since the upgrade to the new data server in October 2021, it has been possible for ProVersion users to manage product images up to 10 times larger. If product images are approx. 25 KB each without the upgrade, they are approx. 250 KB each with it. Because the new data server is not only larger and faster but also more expensive, this extension to large product images must, however, be kept at a charge.
The extension is group-specific, i.e. it must be purchased only 1 time per group - regardless of the number of group members (1-time purchase, no subscription). If 1 member pays for the extension as in-app purchase (5.99 EUR), it will be available to all group members afterwards. However, this extension can be purchased and used only by users with ProVersion.
The extension is valid only for the group currently set at the time of purchase. If you want to have the extension in more than 1 group, it must be purchased separately for each group. Any product images already in the group will of course not increase in size, but only product images added from this point (or replacing the previous ones) will be saved and synchronized in the higher resolution.
With this extension, images are displayed with the phone's ImageViewer instead of in an embedded window when 'Show photo enlarged' is selected in the menu, so that they can also be zoomed beyond the display size. However, this can be turned off if desired via the 'show large photos with ImageViewer' setting.
If you have the extension, the photos will also be displayed larger in the product/stock screen if you have the 'Image Viewer' setting turned on.
For the display of the product images in the product and stock lists, the extension has no effect except for 'Show photo enlarged'.